Developing Your Free Offer
Now that you have completed your competitor intelligence, and developed the keywords you will be targeting, it's time to focus on your lead magnet. When developing your lead magnet always keep in mind the wants and needs of your viewers.
You must be ALWAYS deliver what you're promising the lead. If your video promises `oranges' then your report had better be about oranges or at the least orange juice. Delivering a lead magnet centered on apples is going to confuse your prospects and your opt-in rates will reflect this.
Creating Your Free Offer
Once you know your audiences pain point, you need to `blow it up'. You will be using this throughout your video creation, your squeeze page, your salesletter etc. If you are targeting bloggers needing more traffic than your will need to paint the scenario that very few bloggers are successful in monetizing your blogs and the need for traffic to increase their revenue. So write the report about how they gain viewers, the ways to get free traffic etc. Offer an easy step by step plan for increasing their traffic.
Your lead magnet doesn't need to be long. You should actually leave them wanting more, so eluding to other traffic tactics you can provide will make them tune into your emails. Also, make sure to include some affiliate links throughout the report. You may as well be making money from it.
Now there are short cuts to creating your lead magnet. The use of PLR is a great way to save time, or get your creative juices flowing. DO NOT use PLR the way it comes, it should only be used as an outline in developing your magnet.
Where to Source PLR A Very good PLR membership can be found here:
Here is an example of PLR content for Acne.
The last thing you are going to need is an E-cover for your report; I recommend going to and ordering one for 5 bucks. If you bought a PLR report you should already have graphics for your free report, but, there are others out there who are probably using the same graphics so if you want, I recommend getting a new cover. Homework Look at your competitors lead magnets. What type of report etc are they using to entice optins?
List Building Architecture
In order to get the subscriber onto your list you will need to have a few things to facilitate your squeeze, and the follow-up messages for further monetization.
Creating Your Squeeze
Page Alright, now that you have your free report all finished up the next step is to create a squeeze page so you can collect email addresses. You don't need to spend hundreds just to get a squeeze page. There are plenty of WP Plugin Squeeze Creators. Goto and search for a plug-in for a squeeze page.
WP Lead Plus Free Squeeze Page Creator
If you would still like to look at other options then here are a few I recommend. A good free squeeze creator:
If you don't already have a hosting account I'd recommend Hostgator, I've had accounts hosted there for many years and never had issues.
Domain name
Whether or not you have a domain name already you are going to want a new one for your squeeze page. I highly suggest getting a domain name from NameCheap.
Auto Responder
The money is in the list! And GetResponse is the program that will let you build and communicate with your email list. I recommend using GetResponse it is by far the best auto responder on the market. Sign up for GetResponse Alright, let's move forward, once you have all the things I listed above go ahead and get your squeeze page set up.
I am not going to go into detail about how to do the technical stuff because you can find it pretty much anywhere on the internet.
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