In my previous article of How to Make Fast Easy Cash With CPA Offers is for those that don't have a great budget to work with. This article is aimed at those with a budget to spend, and in second method is the one with the most potential to make a LOT of money. I'm guessing you either already had some funding, or you had implemented previous method and saved up your earnings from that to invest. If either of those refer to you, then you are
wise, because part 2 is designed to help make your income explode.
In this Method assumes you have good internet marketing background knowledge as it is an advanced method. If you're looking for big bucks, then you'll know that advanced methods and having to invest some funds are the only way to the big bucks.
I recommend you have around $3,000 but ideally $5,000 that you can invest in to this second part to the method. $3,000 should be good enough if you've got that.
Keep implementing first method to keep generating income but eventually you'll just put all your time in to this as it will make you so much more. This method involves more work, time & investment but it's where the money's at if you're looking for big bucks.
First thing I will say with this method is that you should pick one campaign & run with it until it works. Don't move on to the next one until you've got it profitable.
If you put your hands in too many baskets you'll never get anywhere. We will be focusing on using an ad platform where we can bid on keywords. My personal preference is either Google, Facebook, or Yahoo ads. For the example, we will use Facebook Advertising as that's what I've been using successfully for this. You can use other ad platforms too such as Adwords and I have friends doing well on this too, but Facebook is where I've been profiting from.
Picking your offer
Now let's toke about picking your offer. The offer/niche you want to pick depends on your preference, you want offers with at least a $20 payout.
You want to keep a close relationship with your affiliate manager to find out offers that are doing really well. I speak to my affiliate managers every day, on the phone and via email and instant messenger. They can make you rich if you are close to them. The best areas I've found are health, money, entertainment and dating. All of these areas work well because they are things that the population craves.
Everyone wants to be healthy & beautiful, everyone wants to make money, everyone is looking to be entertained, every one wants to date. Let's login and find our offer. I'll search for Biz Opp as that's what's been working best for me at the moment. Biz Opp stands for Business Opportunity in case you didn't know.
These are the types of offers that we're looking for. The one I highlighted in the screenshot is the one that I'm using at the moment. It is a `Free Trial Kit' Biz Opp that is only a $4.95 cost to the user. It requires approval to run this offer so speak to your affiliate manager and say your traffic is all email traffic for this campaign.
Almost $4,000 in a day. And what you might find even more exciting is that this almost runs by itself now, just 30mins or so maintenance each day on my campaigns. So although first method is good and you can earn over $2k a day from it, it's not consistent and not guaranteed. I've had some of these campaigns going like this for over 2 weeks now. That $4,000 isn't all profit, I'm spending around $800 a day on average to make around $4k a day, but that's still over $3,000 profit daily.
Your Email Series
This part of second method is setting up your Email responder for when your visitors sign up to your email list. There are a couple Email auto responder services such as and I personally much prefer Aweber to Get Response. You can get free trials with both though or do a one month test to see which you prefer. Now what we're going to do with Aweber is create a new `List'. Look at the screenshot below
Next to the `Current List' is `Create and Manage Lists', click on create & manage and you should see the following screen
Again on the right there is `Create a New List' in green, so click that.
Now you just need to go through and fill out all of the information in each step until your new list is setup.
Follow Up Messages
Once set up, we're going to hover over `Messages' and click on `Follow Up' on the drop down menu.
Now what the `Follow Up' message is, is the `auto response' part of Aweber. This is where we're going to have emails ready to be sent to our list members certain days after they sign up. So it saves us having to go through and email each valued user by ourselves every time someone new signs up.
Now click the green `Add New Follow Up Series' button under the message option. Here we have the follow up message creator
What To Say
So we have our subject and our HTML body message. I always leave the templates blank as they are. Now what we're going to do is have our first 3 5 auto responses as free information that helps the new list member. Maybe write up a free report yourself, or even search around online and find out some cool work from home info (nothing that requires a sign up though, just helpful information).
You don't even mention your offer in the first 3-5 emails. Give helpful tips to the user that they would find useful, and think of these emails as building trust with the audience. We build trust with the first 3 5 emails by sending them nothing but free valuable information that they can put to practice. It's all about giving value.
If you want to receive value you have to give it first. So write the email's personally, and really try to give useful helpful advice. Then after the first 3-5 emails once we've built some trust, the next email is an up sell to the `incredible' offer you found that they have to get. The way you want to write the email responder series is as a step by step of either how you `did it' or how one of your close friends succeeded with it.
Speak to them like a friend make it personal as If you personally wrote it to them and no one else. I like to write my auto responders like a story of how someone got past the problem. What's cool with Aweber is you can have it so that when the user signs up they can put their first name & email, so every time you email them you can personalise the email like this
If you click on `Personalize' on the right, there are many personal codes you can put in the email. One I use regularly is {!name_fix} as you can see in the example email above. Now what this does is if John signed up, it would say `Hey John this is a test email' when it is sent to him. Pretty cool to personalise it like that as it makes the email seem personal while automating the whole process.
Another idea is that I do is write up my own report on how to make $30-40 a day or something, like writing articles. Another idea is to get free PLR products and send them to your users. I've included 27 PLR products in this course on making money online that you can distribute freely at your own pleasure to your lists. They are included in the folder `PLR Products'.
The Money Maker Email
Ok now the email where you mention your Biz Opp offer comes up. So, what to write. As I said before I like to write it up as a `How my friend just made $X' and that you just signed up toady & made $X and how they can too.
What I've found works best is to mention that one of your friends just found an exclusive work from home deal that looks promising in one of the previous emails amongst the free info you send them. You act as if you don't know about the site. Then mention it again in the email before your money maker email, and say that your friend `made $100 in their first day with only one hour's work!' or something similar.
Now your money maker email. Have the subject as an eye catching headline that entices you to read it such as `{!name_fix} I can't believe my eyes...' or `Wow, {!name_fix} this is insane...' As for the body of the email, don't get too much in to detail, just base the email around the following · · · · Ease of use of the program you're promoting to them Doesn't require much time or skill You're making money already and you only signed up today Your friend made over $400 today (or something similar)
That's about it. Oh and also include a P.s. with an `act now' line such as `don't miss out because I read that the free trial offer is ending tonight so save your space here (your site)' You don't want it to be much longer than 400 words otherwise the members might not read it, which is why it's key to gain their trust before in the first 3-5 emails because if you gain their trust they're more likely to read this email and will have your trust to sign up. Once you've got your auto responder set up let's think about your website.
Follow Up After Email
Don't just stop with that email as your last email. I still add new follow up messages daily to keep my list active. If you think you can only promote one offer then you're not thinking big enough. I usually keep it to about 4 or 5 free info based emails to 1 promotional email about a new offer. I usually can promote around 4 offers well, but they decrease in conversions as the number of emails goes on. So offer 1 converts best, offer 2 a bit less than offer 1, offer 3 a bit less than offer 2, etc. That's normally how it goes. Make sure you keep it active though, it's key to do this to maximise profitability.
Your Website
When designing your website, I usually get it outsourced because unless you are quite the html genius, your site won't look to sharp. If you're going to do it then do it right. Plus what I like about getting it outsourced is that you can work on other things such as your auto responder series as your site is getting completed. You can go to and find outsourcers on there that will do a good job.
I personally prefer paying a bit more for people in the US to design my site, but if you're looking to save then maybe you can get a bargain on there, that comes down to personal preference.
Now to get an idea, I literally search around on Google for `work from home' or `work at home opportunities' etc and when I find one that catches my attention and almost makes me want t sign up, I say to the outsourcer that I want something similar to that in a unique way.
And don't forget to say that you need your web form box from Aweber for your list on the site. You can just send the outsourcer the Web Form box and they'll know what to do with it. I included a guide on how to set up your own website with this course. It is called `Setting Up Your Own Website.pdf' so have a read over that if you haven't purchase or set up your own domain before.
You want to make sure you have a .com domain as these are the ones that look most legit. You want to get credibility so have testimonials from people with pictures of them (you can get pictures off of iStock if necessary). Have an `about me' section, get a photo from iStock again and put it up to protect privacy of yourself.
You will need to have some relevant content so Google won't disapprove your campaign if you're going to be running it on Adwords, as well as having a disclaimer page, resources page, privacy page, contact me page, about me page etc. Just the usual standard pages that websites have.
I prefer to fill the page up with bullet points & testimonials because people don't want to read long boring sales talk. Most people skim read and the long filler content is just there for, like I say, filler. Make sure you have a `call to action' above your auto responder form and one in the button itself. So have something like `Only 3 Copies Remain... Sign Up below To Guarantee Your Spot' above your sign up box, then for the submit button have a call t action such as `Secure My Spot Before They're All Gone!'
I've found having one sign up form at the top of the page that the visitor can see as soon as they visit your site, and one at the very bottom as most people scroll all the way to the bottom (skim readers) and don't read the site, just skim it. Play around with getting your site built. This is why I like to get it outsourced because you can get the whole site designed for around $400 or $500 for a decent website.
So it saves you a lot of time and energy trying to figure html out. In my opinion it's definitely worth it. You can get free templates from sites like But as I say, if you want t do this right, get it outsourced, get a bad ass site designed, and pay the $400. You can get everything else done while an expert creates a bad ass site for you.
Your Facebook Ad
The way to get on to facebook advertising, is log in to your profile (or create a profile if you haven't done so already) and scroll to the bottom of any page. You will see this
On the lower right of your screen. Click on Advertising. You should see a screen like the one below
Now you want to click on the green `Create an Ad' box in the top right of the page. You will see something similar to the following page
The destination URL is obviously where you put your website URL. `Title' is the title of your ad. Now what you can do is create facebook profiles with different ages and also certain demographics as well as certain traits such as unemployed etc. That way you will see ads that are targeted at those people and get ideas of what's working. You only get 25 characters so keep it short & sweet.
A headline such as `Want to Work From Home?', baits the audience into clicking or reading the rest of your ad which is what we want. Either way they want to find out more, that's what we're aiming for. In the ad body text I like to ask questions they are obviously interested in being answered & focus on benefits.
We want the users to click so if we talk about anything too wordy we could lose them, we just want short snappy benefits. I always have an image with someone smiling & related to the ad & offer. This is more one that you have to test because it's hard to give exact images of what works. Here is an example of something similar to one of my ads .
Now this is not my exact ad because I can't give my exact ads away otherwise they would be used & over saturated, but this is very similar to the ads that I run. Make sure you take note of what I'm doing here when creating your ads.
Facebook are quite hard to get ads approved sometimes, but upload enough & take note of what you need to change and eventually your ads will get approved. I upload around 50+ sites before even expecting an ad to get approved. Don't ask me why they do this, if I knew it would save us all a lot of time! But everyone has this problem with facebook ads. SO keeps the faith!
You can find out about the Facebook bulk ad uploader here which is a life saver
Demographics & Targeting
The best way to find out what demographics to target is to ask your affiliate manager. Or you can take an educated guess. For instance with a Business Opportunity offer you probably want to target people aged 25 45 and it seems to do best with males. But instead of flying blind just ask your affiliate manger what they recommend targeting.
I could go in to depth on every different niche/category with educated guessing here & there but you can just ask your affiliate manager depending on the offer you're using. Also if the offer you use can be run in other countries, don't forget to branch outside of the US and target those countries too as they could be goldmines. Not many people remember there is still a HECK of a lot of traffic outside the US!
Campaigns, Pricing & Scheduling
Firstly I want you to make sure you don't just accept the suggested bid price that Facebook gives you. It will always be way to high. We don't want to bid much more than $0.15 per click.
So under `Pricing' click the `Set a Different Bid (Advanced Mode) link and you can set your cost per click manually.
Like I said before, we don't want to pay much more than $0.15 per click. Let's do the math from my recent account screenshot on November 4th
We get paid $32 for the offer we chose. It is converting at 9.37% but it is from email clicks so that is just from who visited the offer from going through the email. If we have a $32 payout, let's undershoot and say that 1 in 100 visitors convert. Then $32 divided by 100 visitors is $0.32. So we can afford to pay $0.32 per visitor as long as we're getting 1 in 100 conversion rate.
Internet marketing is never how it seems so I like to undershoot by double. So let's say we only get 1 conversion in 200 clicks. $32 divided by 200 is $0.16. That's why I only recommend paying around $0.15 max per click.
Remember, the lower you can get your costs, the more money you will make so really try to get your costs as low as possible. Again when clicking `Set A Different Bid (Advanced Mode)' you can choose to either run your ads as CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions).
Here facebook has put the suggested bid I recommend running your ad in CPM format when beginning as you'll get more data and more of an idea for what is working, what is catching users attention, and also spending less.
However a lot of people stay with CPM but it's worth switching to CPC once you have one that works because it will mean you spending less and still getting the same clicks & in turn conversions. I recommend only spending around $50-$100 a day on your budget until you've got everything profitable (which shouldn't take you long now that you've got your hands on this course!).
Once done with everything click `review ad' to make sure it all looks good, then once you're happy just click `Place Order' and your Ad & campaign will be reviewed. I personally upload a hell of a lot of ads (usually 100 variations at a time) because so many get disapproved on Facebook.
But have faith because they do eventually get approved, and take note of what you need to change for your ad to get approved. Sometimes it is as simple as adding a period at the end o the text?! Crazy I know but keep tweaking and you'll have ads live soon.
There's so much traffic on Facebook, now's your time to capitalise on it.
"Well Done"
Now you've covered all the steps you're ready to roll on and start implementing this method yourself! As you probably know I've got up to over $5,000 profit a day with both method working together. You could be doing the same if you are willing to put in the time & effort.
Just thought it would be worth noting that you need to make $2,740 for a year to be a millionaire. So is putting the hard work in and grinding harder than ever to make this happen worth being a millionaire to you or not? This all comes down to you.
No better time than the present so time to get to it. Put this to good use, the window for success is open, from here on only you can make things happen, Enjoy & succeed.
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